Shop Window
The display window of a shop is the company’s business card. Intuition and creativity – the design of our shop window has always been very important to us and is more than just a product presentation space, but also acts as a way of displaying the many different stories behind our products.
The display window of a shop is the company’s business card. Intuition and creativity – the design of our shop window has always been very important to us and is more than just a product presentation space, but also acts as a way of displaying the many different stories behind our products. Our displays have also been a reflection of official state life of the respective era because invitations that have been produced for special state visits for the Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Austria and Austrian Chancellery are subsequently displayed in our window.
We have designed new, theme-based window displays in cooperation with Die Schaufensterinnen on a regular basis since moving to Weihburggasse 4. These often tell entire stories, such as:
Sigmund Freud
We presented an exclusive new production line in cooperation with the Sigmund Freud Museum on the occasion of the 158th anniversary of the birth of the psychoanalyst. Borrowing from the writing paper made for his famous practice in Berggasse 19, which had been produced at the time by Huber & Lerner, and his famous, personal notebook, both of which can be seen in the museum, we developed and produced a Sigmund Freud Stationery Set. Thus, we designed a special Freud shop window display.
150 Years of the Vienna State Opera
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Vienna State Opera in early 2019, we celebrated the city’s opera house in our display with invitations to the Opera Ball on laid paper and our Ladies Gifts for the Opera Ball with gold leaf-decorated dance cards. The Director of the Opera House, Dominique Meyer, was found admiring our window display during a walk in the city centre and was pleasantly surprised and took photographs.
Otto Wagner Exhibition at Wien Museum
The impressive, large-scale exhibition “Otto Wagner” was held in the year 2018 in the Wien Museum, presenting the complete works of the Viennese architect in memory of the 100th anniversary of this death. Wien Museum asked us to produce special writing paper for this exhibition for their store. We created a writing paper and postcard set based on one of the original designs by Otto Warner from the Wien Museum archive in Karlsplatz and produced an exclusive in-house post collection. In addition to this a special decoration for our shop window was created by the Schaufensterinnen to celebrate the special edition.
Weihnachtsauslage mit Gablonzer Kristall
This special shop window decoration was dedicated to traditional Gablonzer Christmas ornaments, which happened in cooperation with famous Viennese antiques dealer Dieter Edler.